
QEGS Spanish Curriculum Maps

In Languages we QUESTION by comparing own values, culture and interpretation of the work against different ones in other countries, we make students think outside the box. We EXPLORE other cultures and ways of interpreting the outside world and ways of becoming creative in another language. We GIVE students the chance to become a more rounded person, a more tolerant person, a better informed person and, as a result, we SUCCEED by providing our students with the skills to be better communicators and better qualified candidates to any job or career.

QEGS Year 7 Spanish Curriculum Map

Focus Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Key concepts/ideas Personal identification including greetings, name, age, birthday.  Description of self including physical descriptions and personality and sense of style. Hobbies, interests and saying what we do in different weather conditions. Family, pets and describing other people and animals. Talking about school subjects, school life and telling the time. Using present tense to talk about school life and routines and to describe school in detail.
Key skills Using simple greetings Asking and answering questions Recognising cognates Memorising vocabulary Understanding instructions and responding to classroom language Writing simple sentences Using nouns and adjectives accurately Understanding some verb conjugations Asking and answering questions Writing scripts and dialogues Team work and performing in Spanish Using connectives to extend sentences Giving simple opinions Using justified opinions Understanding some verb conjugations Asking and answering questions Writing scripts and dialogues Team work and performing in Spanish Using nouns and adjectives accurately Understanding some verb conjugations Asking and answering questions Writing simple sentences Writing extended sentences Giving simple opinions Using justified opinions Understanding some verb conjugations Asking and answering questions Writing scripts and dialogues Team work and performing in Spanish Telling the time Using the present tense with confidence Asking and answering questions Writing in more detail
Key terms/vocab Mucho gusto / Encantado/a Hola / Adiós ¿Qué tal? / ¿Cómo estás? Muy bien / regular / mal / fatal ¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo / Soy / Mi nombre es ¿Cuántos años tienes? Tengo … años ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? Mi cumpleaños es el…de… Me gusta el rojo Tengo los ojos azules / marrones / verdes Tengo el pelo rubio / pelirrojo / negro / castaño / gris Soy calvo/a Soy alto/a / bajo/a / de talla mediana Llevo gafas / bigote / barba Soy honesto/a / creativo/ simpático/a / tímido Me gusta llevar las camisetas No me gustar llevar los vestidos Hace sol / calor / frío Hace buen/mal tiempo Llueve Nieva Hay nubes / tormenta Llevo Cuando Si Me encanta leer Me gusta nadar No me gusta ir al cine Odio dibujar Prefiero ver la televisión ¿Tienes animales en casa? Sí, tengo un perro ¿Tienes hermanos? Sí tengo una hermana menor En mi familia hay mi padre, mi madre y yo ¿Cómo es tu familia? Mi madre es honesta Mi padre tiene 50 años. Mi hermano se llama Juan Me gusta la historia porque es divertida. Me gustan los idiomas porque son interesantes. ¿A qué hora tienes el español? Tengo el español a las nueve Mi profesor preferido se llama El profesor de ciencias es muy estricto Se llama Tiene Es Mi instituto se llama QEGS Mi instituto es mixto En mi instituto hay unas aulas No hay piscina Escucho al profesor Hablo con mis amigos Voy al club de tenis Como en el comedor Siempre/A veces/De vez en cuando/Nunca
Independent learning/wider reading www.linguascope.com > Elementary and Beginner levels. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.languagesonline.org.uk > Caminos 1 Book. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.linguascope.com > Elementary and Beginner levels. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.languagesonline.org.uk > Caminos 1 Book. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.linguascope.com > Elementary and Beginner levels. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.languagesonline.org.uk > Caminos 1 Book. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.linguascope.com > Elementary and Beginner levels. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.languagesonline.org.uk > Caminos 1 Book. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.linguascope.com > Elementary and Beginner levels. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.languagesonline.org.uk > Caminos 1 Book. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.linguascope.com > Elementary and Beginner levels. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.languagesonline.org.uk > Caminos 1 Book. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics.
Assessment Vocab and Grammar Test Speaking Assessment Vocab and Grammar Test Writing Assessment Vocab and Grammar Test Reading and Listening Assessment
Careers links/Future Learning Vocabulary links into GCSE topics studied at KS4. Vocabulary links into GCSE topics studied at KS4. Vocabulary links into GCSE topics studied at KS4. Vocabulary links into GCSE topics studied at KS4. Vocabulary links into GCSE topics studied at KS4. Vocabulary links into GCSE topics studied at KS4.

QEGS Year 8 Spanish Curriculum Map

Focus Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Topic Healthy Lifestyles: Food and drink Healthy Lifestyles: Sport, exercise, relaxation. Home and Local Area: Bedroom, house, neighbourhood and town. Home and Local Area: city life, country life, protecting the environment Holidays: transport, accommodation, activities and locations Holidays: using the past tense to describe previous trips, excursions and holidays
Key concepts/ideas Finding out about authentic cuisine from Spanish speaking countries Giving opinions on food and drink Talking about healthy and unhealthy food and drink Giving opinions of types of cuisine Saying what you eat at different mealtimes Producing and performing a role play in a restaurant Saying which sports you play Talking about exercise Discussing how you relax Thinking about how you are going to lead a healthy life in the future. Give details about and opinions on where you live Describing and understanding descriptions of bedrooms Describing and understanding descriptions of homes and houses Listing places in a town Saying what activities you can do where you live Discussing the pros and cons of life in the city Discussing the pros and cons of life in the countryside Listing environmental problems Talking about how to protect the planet Selling your region and local area to tourists Talking about types of holidays Discussing holiday locations Discussing holiday activities Giving justified opinions on types of transport and accommodation Planning a perfect holiday day in the future Finding out more about some of the Balearic islands Saying where you went last year Saying what you did on a previous holiday Understanding how to form the Preterite Tense Describing a past holiday Finding out about some Spanish festivals
Key skills Recognising cognates Working out unfamiliar language Giving simple opinions Giving justified opinions Asking and answering simple questions Understanding information in a short text or dialogue Comparing items of food/drink Using the Present Tense Writing a script for a role play scenario Performing in a role play Recognising cognates Working out unfamiliar language Giving justified opinions Asking and answering simple questions Understanding information in a short text or dialogue Using the Present Tense Using the Near Future Tense Recognising cognates Working out unfamiliar language Giving justified opinions Asking and answering simple questions Understanding information in a short text or dialogue Using the Present Tense Recognising cognates Working out unfamiliar language Giving justified opinions Asking and answering simple questions Understanding information in a short text or dialogue Comparing two locations Producing more detailed written work Using the Present Tense Using the Near Future Tense Recognising cognates Working out unfamiliar language Giving justified opinions Asking and answering simple questions Understanding information in a short text or dialogue Researching different locations Producing more detailed written work Using the Present Tense Using the Near Future Tense Recognising cognates Working out unfamiliar language Giving justified opinions Asking and answering simple questions Understanding information in a short text or dialogue Researching different locations Producing more detailed written work Using the Present Tense Using the Near Future Tense Using the Preterite Tense
Key terms/vocab ¿Te gusta(n)? Me gusta la paella No me gustan las tapas ¿Qué comes normalmente? Normalmente como fruta Siempre bebo agua Ceno ensalada de pollo El zumo es más sano que la limonada ¿Llevas una vida sana? ¿Haces deporte? Hago yoga / ciclismo Juego al fútbol / al rugby Practico la equitación ¿Cómo te relajas? Veo la tele Escucho música ¿Qué vas a hacer en el futuro? Voy a comer menos caramelos ¿Dónde vives? Vivo en Ashbourne ¿Cómo es tu dormitorio? Mi dormitorio es pequeño ¿Cómo es tu casa? Mi casa es pequeña y moderna ¿Cómo es tu barrio? Mi barrio es tranquilo ¿Qué hay en tu pueblo? Hay un parque No hay cine Se puede dar un paseo No se puede ir de compras ¿Prefieres la ciudad o el campo? La ciudad es animada El campo es bonito y tranquilo La gente es simpática Reciclo las latas / el vidrio Reutilizo las bolsas Apago las luces Ahorro energía y agua Hay / no hay Se puede / no se puede ¿Qué tipo de vacaciones prefieres? Prefiero las vacaciones de Navidad / de invierno ¿Adónde vas normalmente? Normalmente voy a Escocia ¿Cómo viajas? Viajo en avión / tren / coche ¿Adónde te alojas? Me alojo en un hotel / una caravana / una tienda ¿Adónde fuiste el ano pasado? Fui a Gales ¿Qué hiciste? Fui a la playa / de compras Nadé / Comí pizza Jugué al voleibol / al tenis Compré recuerdos ¿Cómo viajaste? Viajé en autobús ¿Adónde te alojaste? Me alojé en un albergue juvenil
Independent learning/wider reading www.linguascope.com > Elementary and Beginner levels. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.languagesonline.org.uk > Caminos 2 Book. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.linguascope.com > Elementary and Beginner levels. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.languagesonline.org.uk > Caminos 2 Book. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.linguascope.com > Elementary and Beginner levels. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.languagesonline.org.uk > Caminos 2 Book. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.linguascope.com > Elementary and Beginner levels. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.languagesonline.org.uk > Caminos 2 Book. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.linguascope.com > Elementary and Beginner levels. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.languagesonline.org.uk > Caminos 2 Book. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.linguascope.com > Elementary and Beginner levels. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.languagesonline.org.uk > Caminos 2 Book. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics.
Assessment Vocab and Grammar Test Speaking Assessment – Role Play Performance Vocab and Grammar Test Reading and Listening Assessment Writing Assessment Vocab and Grammar Test
Careers links/Future Learning Vocabulary links into GCSE topics studied at KS4. Holidays topic opening up discussion of importance of MFL for travel, holidays and potential jobs in the tourism sector. Vocabulary links into GCSE topics studied at KS4. Holidays topic opening up discussion of importance of MFL for travel, holidays and potential jobs in the tourism sector. Vocabulary links into GCSE topics studied at KS4. Holidays topic opening up discussion of importance of MFL for travel, holidays and potential jobs in the tourism sector. Vocabulary links into GCSE topics studied at KS4. Holidays topic opening up discussion of importance of MFL for travel, holidays and potential jobs in the tourism sector. Vocabulary links into GCSE topics studied at KS4. Holidays topic opening up discussion of importance of MFL for travel, holidays and potential jobs in the tourism sector. Vocabulary links into GCSE topics studied at KS4. Holidays topic opening up discussion of importance of MFL for travel, holidays and potential jobs in the tourism sector.

QEGS Year 9 Spanish Curriculum Map

Focus Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Key concepts/ideas Giving opinions on subjects Describing your school Talking about school activities Describing school uniform Using past tense to describe a recent school day Explaining school rules Thinking about future plans Talking about part time jobs Discussing Post 16 options Talking about careers we are interested in Saying which jobs you will do Discussing our dream jobs Finding out about careers within MFL Giving opinions on TV shows and films Saying what you watch and don’t watch Saying what you watched as a younger child Describing childhood games Talking about a recent film you have seen Describing an actor who you admire Talking about your phone Saying what you use your phone for and how often Discussing the pros and cons of the Internet Talking about technology in daily life Discussing the use of social media Saying how you’ll use technology in the future Finding out about the geography of Spain Talking about typical Spanish customs Finding out about several Spanish festivals Finding out more about other Spanish speaking countries. Talking about differences between these countries Finding out about several festivals in Central and South America.
Key skills Recognising cognates Working out unfamiliar language Giving justified opinions Asking and answering questions Understanding information in a short text or dialogue Using the Present Tense Using the Preterite Tense Recognising cognates Working out unfamiliar language Giving justified opinions Asking and answering questions Understanding information in a short text or dialogue Using the Present Tense Using the Future Tense Using the Conditional Tense Recognising cognates Working out unfamiliar language Giving justified opinions Asking and answering questions Understanding information in a short text or dialogue Using the Present Tense Using the Preterite Tense Using the Imperfect Tense Recognising cognates Working out unfamiliar language Giving justified opinions Asking and answering questions Understanding information in a short text or dialogue Using the Present Tense Using the Future Tense Recognising cognates Working out unfamiliar language Giving justified opinions Asking and answering questions Understanding information in a short text or dialogue Researching skills Presenting skills Recognising cognates Working out unfamiliar language Giving justified opinions Asking and answering questions Understanding information in a short text or dialogue Researching skills Presenting skills
Key terms/vocab ¿Te gustan los idiomas? Me gusta el español No me gusta la historia ¿Qué hay en tu insti? En mi instituto hay unas aulas No hay piscina ¿Qué haces al instituto? Estudio / leo / escribo / juego ¿Qué hiciste ayer? Estudié / leí / escribí / jugué Se debe / no se debe Tenemos que Está prohibido Voy a seguir estudiando / ir a la universidad /encontrar trabajo Quiero viajar por el mundo / comprar una casa /casarme / tener hijos Quiero ser médico / profesor / enfermero / abogado / peluquero Trabajaré como cantante / gerente Me gustaría trabajar en el extranjero / en una oficina ¿Qué te gusta ver en la tele? Me gustan las telenovelas No me gustan las series Mi programa favorito se llama Se trata de una familia El personaje principal se llama ¿Qué te gustaba ver? ¿Cómo eras? Cuando era joven Me gustaba(n) Veía / Cantaba / Era / Dibujaba Jugaba / Tenía / Pintaba ¿Tienes un móvil? Lo uso para llamar a mis amigos / mandar mensajes / usar Snapchat / descargar música Lo bueno es que Lo malo es que Se puede buscar información / leer las noticias Hay fraude / trols / acoso / presión Uso Snapchat / Instagram Lo usaré menos / con cuidado El mapa Las regiones autónomas La ciudad capital La cultura Las costumbres La población Las lenguas La gastronomía Las Fallas / La Tomatina / San Fermín / Los Castells / El nombre La población La lengua La moneda La exportación Los productos El Carnaval / La Fiesta de las flores / Inti Raymi / El Cinco de mayo / El Día de los Muertos
Independent learning/wider reading www.linguascope.com > Elementary and Beginner levels. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.languagesonline.org.uk > Caminos 3 Book. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.linguascope.com > Elementary and Beginner levels. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.languagesonline.org.uk > Caminos 3 Book. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.linguascope.com > Elementary and Beginner levels. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.languagesonline.org.uk > Caminos 3 Book. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.linguascope.com > Elementary and Beginner levels. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.languagesonline.org.uk > Caminos 3 Book. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.linguascope.com > Elementary and Beginner levels. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.languagesonline.org.uk > Caminos 3 Book. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.linguascope.com > Elementary and Beginner levels. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. www.languagesonline.org.uk > Caminos 3 Book. Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics.
Assessment Writing Assessment Vocab and Grammar Test Vocab and Grammar Test Speaking Assessment Reading and Listening Assessment Vocab and Grammar Test
Careers links/Future Learning Autumn Term 1 and 2 dedicated to school, jobs, careers topic to link in with choosing GCSE Options and to encourage students to study a language for their future. Autumn Term 1 and 2 dedicated to school, jobs, careers topic to link in with choosing GCSE Options and to encourage students to study a language for their future. Autumn Term 1 and 2 dedicated to school, jobs, careers topic to link in with choosing GCSE Options and to encourage students to study a language for their future. Autumn Term 1 and 2 dedicated to school, jobs, careers topic to link in with choosing GCSE Options and to encourage students to study a language for their future. Autumn Term 1 and 2 dedicated to school, jobs, careers topic to link in with choosing GCSE Options and to encourage students to study a language for their future. Autumn Term 1 and 2 dedicated to school, jobs, careers topic to link in with choosing GCSE Options and to encourage students to study a language for their future.

QEGS Year 10 Spanish Curriculum Map

Focus Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Key concepts/ideas Describing my bedroom, my house and my neighbourhood. Giving justified opinions on where I live. Saying where I will (not) live in the future Giving justified opinions on volunteering and charity work. Listing ways in which we can help people in need. Talking about poverty in your area and the wider world. Describing our diet Talking about a balanced diet Talking about sports and fitness Talking about mental wellbeing Giving justified opinions on smoking, alcohol and drugs. Talking about recycling Listing environmental problems Talking about how we can protect the planet Talking about holiday destinations and activities Describing transport and accommodation Talking about weather Photo Card Role Play General Conversation Translation
Key skills Recognising key topic words in listening and reading tasks Using adjectives to enhance descriptions Using prepositions Formulating questions Building longer sentences Describing a photo Using Present Tense Using Preterite Tense An introduction to Future tense Adding reasons to produce more complex sentences Reading and listening for detail Using the Future Tense Using the Conditional Tense Using reflexive constructions such as se debe / se puede An introduction to the present subjunctive Adding reasons to produce more complex sentences Reading and listening for detail Using negative expressions Using the Present Subjunctive Engaging in a role play task Adding reasons to produce more complex sentences Reading and listening for detail Using modal verbs Consolidation of the Preterite Using ‘if’ sentences with the imperfect subjunctive Using sequencing expressions Using two past tenses Giving opposite views Using the passive and passive forms with ‘se’ Improving confidence in general conversation Improving accuracy of translations Consolidating strategies for reading and listening questions
Key terms/vocab ¿Dónde vives? ¿Cómo es tu casa? ¿Qué se puede hacer dónde vives? ¿Qué hiciste en tu región la semana pasada? Si pudieras construir algo en tu región, ¿qué sería? ¿Qué es lo mejor de tu pueblo/ciudad? ¿Hay problemas dónde vives? ¿Adónde vivirás cuando seas mayor? ¿Preferirías vivir en la ciudad o en el campo y por qué? ¿Cómo es la vida en el campo / la ciudad? Describe tu hogar ideal ¿Trabajas como voluntario/a? ¿Te gustaría hacer trabajo voluntario? ¿Por qué? ¿Hay tiendas con fines benéficos en tu región? ¿Qué se puede hacer para ayudar a los necesitados? ¿Hay los sin techo dónde vives? Si fueras Primer(a) Ministro/a, ¿qué medidas tomarías para ayudar a los necesitados? ¿Qué hace tu colegio para ayudar a la comunidad? ¿Llevas una vida sana? ¿En qué consiste una vida sana? ¿Qué comes y bebes normalmente? ¿Qué comiste ayer? ¿Qué haces para relajarte? ¿Qué hiciste la semana pasada para mantenerte en forma? ¿Qué piensas de la gente que fuma? ¿Cuáles son los efectos del fumar pasivo? ¿Qué es el botellón? ¿Te han ofrecido drogas alguna vez? ¿Qué vas a hacer en el futuro para evitar el estrés? Si pudieras elegir, ¿qué comerías todos los días? ¿Cuáles son los riesgos de beber alcohol? ¿Reciclas? ¿Qué haces para proteger el medio ambiente? ¿Hay problemas medioambientales en tu región? ¿Qué opinas del cambio climático? ¿Es el tráfico un problema dónde vives? ¿Te preocupa el paro? ¿Te preocupa la tasa de criminalidad? ¿Qué te preocupa más sobre el futuro del planeta? Si fueras Primer(a) Ministro/a ¿qué medidas tomarías para mejorar el medio ambiente? ¿Adónde vas de vacaciones normalmente? ¿Cómo es el clima? ¿Cómo es la gente en esta región? ¿Qué tipo de vacaciones prefieres? ¿Qué haces cuando vas de vacaciones? ¿Dónde te alojas y cómo viajas? ¿Adónde fuiste el año pasado? ¿Qué hiciste el año pasado? ¿Dónde te quedaste y cómo fue? ¿Qué vas a hacer durante las vacaciones de verano este ano? ¿Cómo serían tus vacaciones ideales? Si tuvieras mucho dinero, ¿adónde irías y por qué? Pues Vale No entiendo ¿Puedes repetirlo? ¿Estás de acuerdo? ¿Qué opinas de…? ¿Te gusta(n)..?
Independent learning/wider reading
Assessment Speaking assessment (photo card on this topic) – Foundation level Writing assessment (full paper with 90 word question on this topic, other questions on topics covered in Y9) – Foundation level Reading assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far Listening assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far Speaking assessment (general conversation on the topic of healthy lifestyles) Writing assessment (full paper with longer question on this topic, other questions on topics from Autumn term) – Higher or Foundation level Reading assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far Listening assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far Speaking assessment (all elements) Writing assessment (full paper with longer question on this topic, other questions on previous topics) – Higher or Foundation level Reading assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far Listening assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far
Careers links/Future Learning Students will learn about different countries where Spanish is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. Students will get opportunities to discuss charity work and volunteering and will learn the benefits of doing such work. Students will learn about different countries where Spanish is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. Students will get opportunities to discuss charity work and volunteering and will learn the benefits of doing such work. Students will learn about different countries where Spanish is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. Students will get opportunities to discuss charity work and volunteering and will learn the benefits of doing such work. Students will learn about different countries where Spanish is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. Students will get opportunities to discuss charity work and volunteering and will learn the benefits of doing such work. Students will learn about different countries where Spanish is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. Students will get opportunities to discuss charity work and volunteering and will learn the benefits of doing such work. Students will learn about different countries where Spanish is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. Students will get opportunities to discuss charity work and volunteering and will learn the benefits of doing such work.

QEGS Year 11 Spanish Curriculum Map

Focus Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Key concepts/ideas Talking about your studies Talking about school and school life Discussing opinions on uniform and school rules Talking about pros and cons of different schools Discussing choices at 18, going to work or going to university? Talking about the benefits of higher education Talking about applying for jobs Discussing career choices Talking about ideal jobs Talking about self and others with confidence. Discussing and sharing a wide range of justified opinions. Talking about events in the past, present and future with confidence. Talking about social and global issues with confidence. Discussing and sharing a wide range of justified opinions. Talking about events in the past, present and future with confidence. Talking about current and future studies in detail Considering and sharing plans for future travel, study and work. Discussing and sharing a wide range of justified opinions. Talking about events in the past, present and future with confidence.
Key skills Reving the perfect tense Consolidating verbs followed by the infinitive Using the imperative Using the personal ‘a’ Reading and listening for detail Writing complex sentences Improving confidence in general conversation. Using the present subjunctive with time expressions Using a variety of tenses Reading and listening for detail Writing complex sentences Improving confidence in general conversation. To revise vocabulary and grammar points covered in Themes 1 and 2. To prepare thoroughly for the Speaking Exam. To revise vocabulary and grammar points covered in Themes 1 and 2. To prepare thoroughly for the Speaking Exam. To sit the GCSE Speaking Exam. To revise vocabulary and grammar points covered in Themes 1, 2 and 3. To prepare thoroughly for GCSE examinations. To sit all exams.
Key terms/vocab ¿Cómo es tu colegio? ¿Qué estudias? ¿Cómo son las instalaciones? ¿Qué piensas de las reglas? ¿Cómo es el uniforme? ¿Hay actividades extraescolares? ¿Cómo era la escuela primaria comparada con QEGS? ¿Qué opinas de los profesores? ¿Qué es lo bueno y lo malo de tu insti? Si pudieras cambiar tu instituto, ¿qué harías? ¿Cómo sería tu instituto ideal? ¿Qué hiciste ayer al instituto? ¿Cómo van los exámenes? ¿Qué haces para preparar para los exámenes? ¿Cómo vas a celebrar el fin de los exámenes? ¿Qué es el peor aspecto de tu instituto? ¿Qué haces después del colegio normalmente? ¿Te gustaría ser profesor(a)? ¿Qué trabajo te gustaría tener en el futuro? ¿Qué piensas de la idea de trabajar a tiempo parcial mientras estudias? ¿Crees que trabajar como albañil sería fácil? ¿Piensas que es mejor ir a la universidad si quieres obtener un buen trabajo? ¿Te gustaría ir a la universidad? ¿Qué se puede hacer como estudiante para ganar dinero? ¿Cuáles son los aspectos positivos de encontrar un trabajo a los dieciocho años? ¿Te gustaría trabajar en el extranjero? ... ¿Por qué (no)? ¿Qué te gustaría hacer para celebrar el fin de los exámenes? ¿Qué quieres hacer en setiembre? ... ¿Por qué? ¿Te llevas bien con tu familia? ¿Qué es un buen amigo? ¿Prefieres pasar tiempo con tu familia o tus amigos? ¿Quieres casarte en el futuro? ¿Cómo usas tu móvil? ¿Cómo serán los móviles del futuro? ¿Te gusta hacer compras en línea? ¿Qué hiciste la semana pasada? ¿Qué te gusta ver en la tele? ¿Qué fue la última película que viste? ¿Qué hacen los españoles para celebrar la Navidad? ¿Hay una fiesta que te gustaría ver en vivo? Háblame de tus vacaciones ideales ¿Has probado la paella? ¿Dónde vives? ¿Cómo es tu casa? ¿Qué se puede hacer dónde vives? ¿Qué hiciste en tu región la semana pasada? Si pudieras construir algo en tu región, ¿qué sería? ¿Qué se puede hacer para ayudar a los necesitados? ¿Hay los sin techo dónde vives? Si fueras Primer(a) Ministro/a, ¿qué medidas tomarías para ayudar a los necesitados? ¿Qué hace tu colegio para ayudar a la comunidad? ¿Trabajas como voluntario/a? ¿Te gustaría hacer trabajo voluntario? ¿Por qué? ¿Hay tiendas con fines benéficos en tu región? ¿Qué es lo mejor de tu pueblo/ciudad? ¿Hay problemas dónde vives? ¿Adónde vivirás cuando seas mayor? ¿Preferirías vivir en la ciudad o en el campo y por qué? ¿Cómo es la vida en el campo / la ciudad? Describe tu hogar ideal
Independent learning/wider reading
Assessment Reading assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far Listening assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far NOVEMBER MOCK EXAMS ALL SKILLS Reading – full paper Listening – full paper Writing – full paper Speaking – full paper Speaking assessment General Conversation Writing assessment Full paper Higher or Foundation level MARCH MOCK EXAMS ALL SKILLS Reading – full paper Listening – full paper Writing – full paper Speaking – full paper GCSE SUMMER EXAMINATIONS ALL SKILLS Reading – full paper Listening – full paper Writing – full paper Speaking – full paper
Careers links/Future Learning Students will learn about different countries where Spanish is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. Students will study an entire topic area on jobs and careers which will link into careers you can do using languages. Students will learn about different countries where Spanish is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. Students will study an entire topic area on jobs and careers which will link into careers you can do using languages. Students will learn about different countries where Spanish is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. Students will study an entire topic area on jobs and careers which will link into careers you can do using languages. Students will learn about different countries where Spanish is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. Students will study an entire topic area on jobs and careers which will link into careers you can do using languages. Students will learn about different countries where Spanish is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. Students will study an entire topic area on jobs and careers which will link into careers you can do using languages.