QEGS German Curriculum Maps
In Languages we QUESTION by comparing own values, culture and interpretation of the work against different ones in other countries, we make students think outside the box. We EXPLORE other cultures and ways of interpreting the outside world and ways of becoming creative in another language. We GIVE students the chance to become a more rounded person, a more tolerant person, a better informed person and, as a result, we SUCCEED by providing our students with the skills to be better communicators and better qualified candidates to any job or career.
QEGS Year 10 German Curriculum Map |
Focus | Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Topic | GRAMMAR - BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN YEAR 9 AND 10 GCSE THEME 1: IDENTITY AND CULTURE Grammar (Teacher A) Customs and Festivals Pronunciation Practice (Teacher B) | GCSE THEME 2: LOCAL, NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL AND GLOBAL AREAS OF INTEREST Home, town, neighbourhood and region (Teacher A) General conversation speaking preparation and practice (Teacher B) | GCSE THEME 2: LOCAL, NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL AND GLOBAL AREAS OF INTEREST Environment (Teacher A) Social Issues (Teacher B) | GCSE THEME 2: LOCAL, NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL AND GLOBAL AREAS OF INTEREST Global issues. Talking about poverty and homelessness (Teacher A). | GCSE THEME 2: LOCAL, NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL AND GLOBAL AREAS OF INTEREST Travel and tourism (Teacher A) Speaking practice on this unit (Teacher B) | GCSE THEME 2: LOCAL, NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL AND GLOBAL AREAS OF INTEREST Travel and tourism (Teacher A) Exam Practice (Teacher B) |
Key concepts/ideas | Grammar – Phonics and pronunciation of cognates Learning about traditions in German speaking countries Talking about customs and traditions Talking about festivals in German-speaking countries | Describing where you live, your home and where you do things Describing your room | Talking about helping the environment at home Talking about local environmental problems Talking about voluntary work Talking about doing charity work abroad Talking about lifestyles Talking about lifestyles in the past | Talking about living in poverty Talking about becoming homeless | Describing holiday destinations and preferences Talking about holidays in three different time frames | Talking about the weather on holiday Talking about accommodation Talking about German-speaking countries Talking about city breaks |
Key skills | Being able to correctly pronounce phonics, vowels with umlauts and cognates. Talking about quantities, weights and containers. Using adjectives as nouns Revising the perfect tense | Using plurals of nouns Using prepositions to say where things are Using es gibt + the accusative Using adjective endings after “the” and “a”. Comparative and superlative adjectives Using in with the accusative and dative | Using more subordinating conjunctions Using modal verbs Using the imperative The pluperfect tense Using modal verbs Using als when talking about the past | Using indefinite pronouns Adjective endings (revision) Using and recognising reflexive pronouns | Using the present, past and future tenses Dates and other time expressions | Using weather expressions Recognising the imperfect tense of irregular verbs Using the time, manner place rule Choosing dative or accusative with prepositions |
Key terms/vocab | Tradition, Fest, feiern, stattfinden, trinken, essen, tanzen, Oktoberfest, Karneval, Silvester, Weihnachten. Eine Schachtel, eine Packung, ein Liter, zwei Kilo, Gramm, eine Flasche, ein Paket, eine Dose, eine Schale. Ich habe …gekauft, geschmückt, gefunden,geholfen, gebacken, getragen. | Wohnen, ein Haus, eine Wohnung, Küche, Wohnzimmer, Esszimmer, Schlafzimmer, Badezimmer, groß, klein, altmodisch, modern, Bett, Kleiderschrank, Kommode, Teppich. Prepositions – in, an, auf, unter, über, hinter, vor, zwischen,neben, gegenüber. Es gibt, man kann + infin. | Umwelt, Plastiktüten, Müll, Solarzellen, Strom, Licht, Heizung, Wasser,Altglas, Altpapier, Dosen, Elektroauto, schaden, benutzen, produzieren, ausmachen, trennen, herunterdrehenduschen, baden, recyceln, umweltschädlich, umweltfreundlich. Plastikflaschen, Zeitungen, Verpackungen, Abfall, Luftverschmutzung. Tiere, Freiwillige, Projekt, arbeiten, Altenheim, helfen, Tierheim, Kinderheim. Gesund, ungesund, Obst, Alkohol, Zigaretten, sollen, dürfen, müssen, können | Armut, Sozialwohnung, arm, arbeitslos, Arbeit, helfen, Sozialhilfe, verdienen, allein, Geld, einsam, betteln, schwierig, stressig, hart. Aufwachen, aufstehen, sich anziehen, putzen, Wasser holen, Feuerholz suchen, Angst vor Gewalt | Nach (Spanien) fahren, Urlaub machen, in den Urlaub fahren, wohnen, bleiben auf dem Land, in den Bergen, an der Küste. Ich bin …gefahren, ich werde … fahren. | Es ist kalt, warm, heiß, sonnig, nebelig, nass, windig, trocken, es blitzt, es regnet, es hagelt, es schneit, es donnert, es friert. Einzelzimmer, Doppelzimmer, Zweibettzimmer, Halbpension, Vollpension, eine Nacht, eine Woche, zwei Wochen mit dem Auto, Flugzeug, Bus, Zug. Gern, lieber, am liebsten, gut, besser, am besten |
Independent learning/wider reading | Reading assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far Listening assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far | Speaking assessment (general conversation on the topic of school) Writing assessment (full paper with longer question on this topic, other questions on topics from Autumn term) – Higher or Foundation level | Reading assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far Listening assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far | Speaking assessment (all elements) Writing assessment (full paper with longer question on this topic, other questions on previous topics) – Higher or Foundation level | Reading assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far Listening assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far | |
Assessment | Reading assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far Listening assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far | Reading assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far Listening assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far | Reading assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far Listening assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far | Reading assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far Listening assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far | ||
Careers links/Future Learning | Students will learn about different countries where German spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at German speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. | Students will learn about different countries where German spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at German speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. | Students will learn about different countries where German spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at German speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. | Students will learn about different countries where German spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at German speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. | Students will learn about different countries where German spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at German speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. | Students will learn about different countries where German spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at German speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. |
QEGS Year 11 German Curriculum Map |
Focus | Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Topic | ||||||
Key concepts/ideas | ||||||
Key skills | ||||||
Key terms/vocab | ||||||
Independent learning/wider reading | ||||||
Assessment | ||||||
Careers links/Future Learning |