
QEGS French Curriculum Maps

In Languages we QUESTION by comparing own values, culture and interpretation of the work against different ones in other countries, we make students think outside the box. We EXPLORE other cultures and ways of interpreting the outside world and ways of becoming creative in another language. We GIVE students the chance to become a more rounded person, a more tolerant person, a better informed person and, as a result, we SUCCEED by providing our students with the skills to be better communicators and better qualified candidates to any job or career.

QEGS Year 7 French Curriculum Map

Focus Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Key concepts/ideas Greetings and Introductions Alphabet Numbers and age Months and birthdays Colours Personality Physical descriptions Likes and dislikes Family members Pets Giving opinions about school subjects Describing teachers Telling the time School timetables School buildings/facilities School uniform Food in the canteen Hobbies and after school activities Sports and e-sports Using the present tense Technology and mobile phones Comic books Weather
Key skills Pronunciation, intonation and phonics. Responding to different types of spoken/written target language Ask and answer questions Initiate and develop conversations Use the present tense of s’appeler and avoir Using the present tense of the verb être and avoir Understanding and using adjective agreement Genders of nouns and plural forms Using my – mon/ma/mes Using linking words to extend sentences Giving opinions and adding justifications Telling the time Using “on” to mean “we” Revising adjective agreement Using the partitive article Producing an extended piece of writing Using j’aime plus an infinitive Giving opinions and reasons Present tense of regular er verbs Using jouer à and faire de with sports and activities Adverbs of frequency Using some irregular verbs in the present tense e.g. faire and lire Extending sentences with quand and si
Key terms/vocab Bonjour/ salut / au revoir Comment t’appelles-tu? Je m’appelle… Ça va ? Ça va bien / mal etc. Quel âge as-tu ? J’ai onze ans Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire ? Mon anniversaire c’est le… Je suis il/elle/iel est poli, intelligent, charmant, curieux, gentil, généreux etc. J’ai les yeux bleus/verts/gris/marron J’ai les cheveux longs/courts/raides blonds/bruns/noirs/roux etc. J’ai un frère et une sœur. J’ai un un chat, chien, cheval, lapin, oiseau, serpent, poisson rouge, hamster, une souris, une tortue J’adore / J’aime / Je n’aime pas / Je déteste / ma matière préférée c’est le français, le théâtre, la géographie, la musique, l’anglais, l’histoire, les maths etc. Le prof d’anglais est stricte/gentil/intelligent etc. On commence les cours à neuf heures moins dix etc. Il y a une cantine, une bibliothèque, une piscine etc. Je porte une chemise, une cravate, une jupe, un blazer, un pantalon etc. Je mange un sandwich, un yaourt, du poisson, du poulet, des frites etc. Je bois de l’eau, du jus d’orange, du coca etc. J’aime.. regarder la télé jouer sur ma PlayStation écouter de la musique faire de la natation etc. je joue / je fais tous les jours souvent quelquefois J’aime.. regarder la télé jouer sur ma PlayStation écouter de la musique faire de la natation etc. je joue / je fais tous les jours souvent quelquefois
Independent learning/wider reading Linguascope - Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. Languages Online – Great for grammar exercises. Linguascope - Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. Languages Online – Great for grammar exercises. Linguascope - Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. Languages Online – Great for grammar exercises. Linguascope - Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. Languages Online – Great for grammar exercises. Linguascope - Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. Languages Online – Great for grammar exercises. Linguascope - Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. Languages Online – Great for grammar exercises.
Assessment Speaking assessment with teacher – answering key questions from this half term Vocabulary and grammar test Vocabulary and grammar test Writing assessment on school Vocabulary and grammar test Reading and listening assessment covering all topics
Careers links/Future Learning Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at French speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at French speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at French speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at French speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at French speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at French speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers.

QEGS Year 8 French Curriculum Map

Focus Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Key concepts/ideas Personal descriptions Music Online activities Fashion Future plans Opinions on food and drink French cuisine Ordering food and drink at a restaurant Healthy and unhealthy foods Sport and exercise Relaxation Resolutions to lead a healthier lifestyle Holiday destinations Holiday activities Tourist attractions and monuments in Paris Describing a past holiday The French national holiday, le 14 juillet
Key skills Using the present tense of the verbs être and avoir Giving detailed opinions and justifications Developing listening skills Exploring Francophone music Using adverbs of frequency Using adjective agreement Speaking skills and team work Using the near future tense Producing a piece of extended writing Using opinions and justifications Using je voudrais + infinitive Practising speaking skills and working as a team to prepare a role play Practising reading skills using authentic materials Using present tense Using adverbs of frequency Using the near future tense Using present tense Revising weather phrases and using these to extend sentences Using on peut + infinitive Developing reading skills using authentic materials Using the perfect tense with avoir and être Using c’était to give opinions in the past Understanding texts containing 3 time frames Learning about a French festival and it’s historical context
Key terms/vocab Je suis il/elle/iel est poli, intelligent, charmant, curieux, gentil, généreux etc. J’ai les cheveux…+ colours J’ai les yeux…+ colours J’écoute… de la musique pop de la musique classique Mon groupe /chanteur/ma chanteuse préféré(e) c’est… J’aime la chanson/la mélodie/le rythme/les paroles Je regarde des clips vidéo. Je joue à des jeux. J’envoie des messages/e-mails. Je partage des photos. d’habitude quelquefois souvent tous les soirs etc. Je porte… des baskets des bottes des chaussures des chaussettes une chemise un jean une jupe une robe un pantalon un short un pull un sweat à capuche un tee-shirt une veste un chapeau une casquette Je vais + infinitives J’aime manger / boire… Je voudrais + infinitive Du poison Du poulet Du pain Du fromage Des fruits Des légumes Du chocolat De la glace De l’eau Du café Du coca Je mange / je bois Je fais / joue Je dors / je lis / j’écoute Je vais + infinitive Je voudrais + infinitive Tous les ans/normalement Nous allons … en France en Espagne en Grèce en Italie aux États-Unis au Portugal à la mer à la montagne à la campagne il y a du soleil il pleut il fait beau il fait mauvais On peut + infinitive J’ai visité J’ai mangé J’ai acheté J’ai regardé J’ai vu J’ai fait Je suis allé(e) C’était + adjectives
Independent learning/wider reading Linguascope - Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. Languages Online – Great for grammar exercises. Linguascope - Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. Languages Online – Great for grammar exercises. Linguascope - Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. Languages Online – Great for grammar exercises. Linguascope - Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. Languages Online – Great for grammar exercises. Linguascope - Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. Languages Online – Great for grammar exercises. Linguascope - Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. Languages Online – Great for grammar exercises.
Assessment Vocabulary and grammar test Writing assessment covering content from Autumn 1 and 2 Speaking assessment – restaurant role play Vocabulary and grammar test Vocabulary and grammar test Reading and listening assessment covering all topics
Careers links/Future Learning Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at French speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at French speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at French speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at French speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at French speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at French speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at French speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers.

QEGS Year 9 French Curriculum Map

Focus Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Key concepts/ideas Personal descriptions and likes and dislikes Subject preferences Future plans Benefits of language learning Career options Job applications The geography of France French customs and festivals The Francophone world Journée Mondiale de la Francophonie Festivals in French speaking countries At the airport/train station Making a hotel reservation Asking for directions Eating out
Key skills Giving detailed opinions and justifications, using a wide range of vocabulary Using comparatives and superlatives Using on doit/on peut + infintive Using the near future tense Using je voudrais + infinitive Using masculine and feminine nouns Using modal verbs Using the near future tense Using the conditional tense Producing a piece of extended writing Revising the perfect tense Reading texts containing three time frames Making use of social and cultural context when reading Practising listening skills Researching different festivals and presenting information to the class Working out unfamiliar language in context Asking and answering questions Using vous or tu Responding to questions spontaneously Working out unfamiliar language in context Asking and answering questions Using vous or tu Using the imperative Responding to questions spontaneously
Key terms/vocab Je suis + adjectives J’aime/je n’aime pas/j’adore/ je déteste + subjects À mon avis… Je pense que… plus…que moins…que le/la plus le/la moins le/la meilleur(e) le/la pire On doit/on peut + infinitive Je vais + infinitive Je voudrais + infinitive Avec les langues, on peut comprendre les gens / habiter à l’étranger / travailler dans un autre pays etc. Je voudrais être… fermier journaliste professeur guide touristique entrepreneur avocat ingénieur Ce serait + adjectives Das le nord/le sud/l’est/l’ouest Il y a … où on peut… En ville / à la campagne / à la montagne / au bord de la mer Les fêtes / les jours fériés, Les festivals / les traditions, Manger / boire / célébrer, Noël / Pâques/ la fête nationale Les pays francophones Les fêtes / les jours fériés, Les festivals / les traditions, Manger / boire / célébrer Je peux vous aider ? Je voudrais acheter… Je voudrais réserver… un billet une chambre Où est… ? Allez tout droit Tournez à gauche Tournez à droite Je voudrais une table pour… L’addition s’il vous plaît
Independent learning/wider reading Linguascope - Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. Languages Online - Great for grammar exercises. Linguascope - Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. Languages Online - Great for grammar exercises. Linguascope - Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. Languages Online - Great for grammar exercises. Linguascope - Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. Languages Online - Great for grammar exercises. Linguascope - Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. Languages Online - Great for grammar exercises. Linguascope - Play games and puzzles to help learn vocabulary on a range of topics. Languages Online - Great for grammar exercises.
Assessment Vocabulary and grammar test Writing assessment covering content from Autumn 1 and 2 Vocabulary and grammar test Reading and listening assessment Vocabulary and grammar test Speaking assessment – role play
Careers links/Future Learning In the Autumn term students learn about the benefits of language learning as well as think about how their skills and interests can link to a range of different career options. They will look at job adverts and write application letters. In Spring and Summer they will continue to learn language which will have a practical use when travelling or working abroad. In the Autumn term students learn about the benefits of language learning as well as think about how their skills and interests can link to a range of different career options. They will look at job adverts and write application letters. In Spring and Summer they will continue to learn language which will have a practical use when travelling or working abroad. In the Autumn term students learn about the benefits of language learning as well as think about how their skills and interests can link to a range of different career options. They will look at job adverts and write application letters. In Spring and Summer they will continue to learn language which will have a practical use when travelling or working abroad. In the Autumn term students learn about the benefits of language learning as well as think about how their skills and interests can link to a range of different career options. They will look at job adverts and write application letters. In Spring and Summer they will continue to learn language which will have a practical use when travelling or working abroad. In the Autumn term students learn about the benefits of language learning as well as think about how their skills and interests can link to a range of different career options. They will look at job adverts and write application letters. In Spring and Summer they will continue to learn language which will have a practical use when travelling or working abroad. In the Autumn term students learn about the benefits of language learning as well as think about how their skills and interests can link to a range of different career options. They will look at job adverts and write application letters. In Spring and Summer they will continue to learn language which will have a practical use when travelling or working abroad.

QEGS Year 10 French Curriculum Map

Focus Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Key concepts/ideas Describing holiday destinations and preferences Talking about holiday activities in different time frames Giving opinions about school subjects Describing a school day Comparing school life in Britain and France Talking about school rules and uniform Describing an ideal school Describing eating habits Comparing old and new health habits Describing health resolutions Describing the uses of technology Discussing the pros and cons of social media Explaining the benefits and dangers of mobile technology Talking about celebrations and festivals Describing international festivals Revision of vocabulary from previous topics Practise of exam skills
Key skills Using prepositions for countries and modes of transport Using perfect and imperfect tenses together Using sequencing words and phrases Revision of future and conditional tenses Using adverbs and forming longer sentences Revision of the perfect tense Using comparatives and superlatives Using modal verbs Using the conditional tense Responding to prepared and unprepared questions Using the imperfect tense Using il faut + infinitive Using negatives to add complexity Using il vaut/vaudrait mieux Using the present tense of regular and irregular verbs Il est possible que + subjunctive Adding detail and complexity Using reflexive verbs in the perfect tense Making use of social and cultural context when reading Practise listening and reading skills Develop extended pieces of writing on a range of topics
Key terms/vocab Aller / voyager / rester, La campagne / la montagne / le bord de la mer, Les pays / les régions, L’année dernière / l’année prochaine, Jouer / faire, Manger / boire, Le college, Les matières, A mon avis / je pense que, Plus … que / moins … que, La journée / l’emploi du temps, Les règles / l’uniforme, Il faut / il ne faut pas, On peut / on doit, Je voudrais / j’améliorerais Manger / boire, Etre / avoir / faire, Les cigarettes / fumer, L’alcool / les drogues, On peut / on doit, Il faut / il ne faut pas, Il vaut mieux / il vaudrait mieux, Bon pour la santé / mauvais pour la santé Les réseaux sociaux les portables les ordinateurs regarder partager utiliser communiquer Les fêtes / les jours fériés, Les festivals / les traditions, Manger / boire / célébrer, Noël / Pâques/ la fête nationale, La Francophonie
Independent learning/wider reading
Assessment Speaking assessment (photo card on this topic) – Foundation level Writing assessment (full paper with 90 word question on this topic, other questions on topics covered in Y9) – Foundation level Reading assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far Listening assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far Speaking assessment (general conversation on the topic of school) Writing assessment (full paper with longer question on this topic, other questions on topics from Autumn term) – Higher or Foundation level Reading assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far Listening assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far Speaking assessment (all elements) Y10 exams – listening, reading and writing
Careers links/Future Learning Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at French speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at French speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at French speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at French speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at French speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers. Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. They will look at French speaking musicians/actors/sports people and how they use languages in their careers.

QEGS Year 11 French Curriculum Map

Focus Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Topic GCSE THEME 2: LOCAL, NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL AND GLOBAL AREAS OF INTEREST Environment GCSE THEME 2: LOCAL, NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL AND GLOBAL AREAS OF INTEREST Social and global issues THEME 3: CURRENT AND FUTURE STUDY AND EMPLOYMENT: Jobs, career choices and ambitions Revision of Theme 1 and Theme 2 Revision of all themes
Key concepts/ideas Revising descriptions of town and local area Discussing environmental issues Describing solutions to environmental problems Discussing inequality, poverty and homelessness Talking about charity work Talking about future studies Discussing university and apprenticeships, Talking about job preferences and part-time work Discussing how to get a job Talking about the advantage and disadvantages of jobs Revision of vocabulary from previous topics Practise of exam skills Revision of vocabulary from previous topics Practise of exam skills
Key skills Revision of modal verbs Si clauses (present + future) Practising higher level reading and listening skills Agreeing and disagreeing in a discussion Reading longer texts The conditional tense Using ce qui and ce que Using quand and si Revision of the future tense Revision of the conditional tense Using idioms Developing extended pieces of writing Preparing to talk about a range of topics for the speaking exam Practise listening and reading skills
Key terms/vocab La ville / la campagne, La pollution / la circulation / le changement climatique / les déchets / le recyclage / les énergies renouvelables, Il faut / il ne faut pas / on doit / on peut Les inégalités Les SDF / les sans-abris Le chômage La pauvreté Le travail bénévole Je voudrais / j’aimerais Etudier/ travailler, Le collège / le lycée, L’université / l’apprentissage, Les petits boulots, Je voudrais / j’aimerais, Les avantages / les inconvénients Revision of Theme 1 and Theme 2 Revision of all themes
Independent learning/wider reading
Assessment Reading assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far Listening assessment – mix of Foundation and Higher questions covering all topics studied so far NOVEMBER MOCK EXAMS ALL SKILLS Reading – full paper Listening – full paper Writing – full paper Speaking – full paper Speaking assessment General Conversation Writing assessment Full paper Higher or Foundation level MARCH MOCK EXAMS ALL SKILLS Reading – full paper Listening – full paper Writing – full paper Speaking – full paper GCSE SUMMER EXAMINATIONS ALL SKILLS Reading – full paper Listening – full paper Writing – full paper Speaking – full paper
Careers links/Future Learning Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. Students will study an entire topic area on jobs and careers which will link into careers you can do using languages. Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. Students will study an entire topic area on jobs and careers which will link into careers you can do using languages. Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. Students will study an entire topic area on jobs and careers which will link into careers you can do using languages. Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. Students will study an entire topic area on jobs and careers which will link into careers you can do using languages. Students will learn about different countries where French is spoken, helping them to see the breadth of opportunity for using their language skills in future careers. Students will study an entire topic area on jobs and careers which will link into careers you can do using languages.